
I could lucubrate largely de omni scibili, but paper happily runs short. —Thomas Arnold, 1795–18421

The lucubrator's2 day is litrefacient,3 to be sure (e.g. four post- to eight ante-meridiem); but the georgical4 is superior (media nox to four post meridiem).5

While facient men6 prefer either to the journal7 or illucubrate day, one is tardy and sinister; the other, fresh and dextrous.



Kathleen Haley gewidmet


[a. L. lucubrare ] To work by artificial light.


[a. L. littera: letter, facere: to make] Producing words; whether writing, composing or programming.\par \par Formed on analogy with obdurefacio [< obdurare ] as opposed to, say, afficio [< affeci ]; on account of the strong a and first conjugation.\par \par The elision of the medial e in litera- \(\to\) litra- is probably illegitimate.


[a. Gr. γεοργός husbandman] Agricultural. 1660 BURNEY Κέρδ. Δῶρον (1661) 42 Men wil sweat upon certain ground in georgical affairs, and venture themselves upon uncertain ground in warlike exploits.


It should be noted that Glenn Gould preferred georgical to lucubratory.


Cf. Nietzsches's schaffender Mensch: “Den Schaffenden hassen sie am meisten: den, der Tafeln bricht und alte Werthe, den Brecher - den heissen sie Verbrecher.” Zarathustra, §56.\par \par [They hate facient man the most: he who breaks tables and old values; the breaker: they nominate him law-breaker.]


[a. L. diurnalem ] Diurnal. 1590 SPENSER F.Q. I. xi. 31 Phœbus..his faint steedes watred in Ocean deepe, Whiles from their iournall labours they did rest.